How MMC Tokens works

MMC Tokens are cryptocurrency tokens built on the Stellar Network Blockchain. Launched on the 16th December 2021, at an opening price of USD0.06. It had a circulating amount of 1 million tokens and not more. The reason it exist in the blockchain is to avoid the problems of forgeries, in the later stages of development.
MMC Tokens are asset, and investment backed. It is also considered as MMC Business company's asset. Every tokens released, are 100% backed up by either Gold or MMC Business investment's portfolio.

MMC Tokens are valued based on MMC Business, business mission. The more the company expands and makes more money, the more valuable it'll be. And since MMC Tokens are backed up, whatever the current price is, it will never go down to more than 50%. Example, if 1 MMC is USD1, it will never go down below USD0.50. MMC Business will immediately respond for the price to be pushed to its last value. Should MMC Business fails or suffers loses, the last price will be put to effect till it stabilizes.

MMC Tokens are only centralized to MMC Business, although one can choose to stay anonymous when transacting.

MMC Tokens are not put up for sales on the exchange, where you can still buy, but will have difficulty selling. One will only be able to sell on the exchange when the last remaining 20% of MMC Tokens are left. Only MMCHOLDERS can trade MMC Tokens anytime directly with MMC Business. This is to ensure, no one can dominate or manipulate MMC Tokens value.

To get MMC Tokens, one had to either be an MMCHOLDER, a program for anyone to hold MMC Tokens and earn an unfixed amount of monthly yields from it, OR be a Silent Shareholder, where one had to buy a large amount of MMC Tokens and oblige to a term contract before finally able to sell their MMC Tokens whether wholly or partially when the term ends. Usually, Silent Shareholders are business partners or affiliations with MMC Business.

Yields earned by MMCHOLDERS are solely from MMC Business, business activities. It had a 70% - 30% revenue sharing plan in place. 70% of its revenue will be divided equally to all MMCHOLDERS. So there is no fix amount of yields. Only a guarantee that yields will be promptly paid to every MMCHOLDERS between 3rd - 7th of every month.

In short, MMCHOLDER is a community where its members are holders of MMC Business Assets, the MMC Tokens. Its mission is to enrich its holders financial situation in years to come. "1 Asset account can make you a good saving account in 5 years, but many asset accounts can gives you passive income in within 3 years."

Thats how MMC Tokens work.

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